From the President
It is a pleasure to look back at 2023 as another successful year for the Ashby Land Trust and look forward to 2024.
The annual Duck Race continues to be a fun event that raises needed funds and engages our wonderful community.
We have continued to lead walks in the woods, and we held a well-attended animal tracking hike in January. In June, Ecologist Tom Wessels led a very informative zoom workshop on Reading the Forested Landscape.
The Ashby Land Trust Facebook site has allowed us to share information and events with our friends and members. We now have PayPal on our website and Facebook site for joining and renewing membership as well as making it easier for people to donate online.
In 2024 we look forward to sharing more about the work that we do through social media, our website and educational opportunities. We plan on continuing hikes and other outdoor and learning experiences. We hope to learn more about our friends and members interests in and understanding of the Ashby Land Trust.
We always love hearing from you!
Vicki Mickola
Land Protection
The ALT is a partner with the Nashua Rivers Wild & Scenic Rivers Stewardship Council in a watershed-wide, multi-property Forest Legacy project. Forest Legacy is a federally funded program that compensates landowners who choose to keep their land permanently in forestry, either through the recording of a conservation restriction on the deed or through sale of the property to a government entity. In the latter case, statements are added to deed indicating that the land is to be used for forestry and conservation uses only. Landowners enter the program voluntarily. The program covers land nationwide, and the application process is competitive. In 2023 we received notice that the application, which included two properties in Ashby, was fully funded. A series of steps must be completed in 2024 before the transactions are completed.
In 2023 the ALT also prepared a single-property application to a separate Forest Legacy program for another property in Ashby. The application was highly rated in the Forest Service’s initial screening, but the final determination as to whether the application will be funded will occur in 2024.
The ALT has also worked to assist Massachusetts Fish & Wildlife in its efforts to acquire land for wildlife management areas in Ashby, and has been working with several property owners who have expressed interest in preserving their land to evaluate their options.
Cedwyn Morgan
Monitoring Report
Ashby Land Trust has the annual responsibility to monitor six properties. Three of the properties are owned by the Town of Ashby and three are privately owned. In collaboration with the Town and the private landowners, the Land Trust works to protect the land in accordance with the wishes of the individual Conservation Restrictions. These legal protections specify what uses are allowed and not allowed. Some allow public access for hiking and other sorts of non-motorized recreation, but all conserve land in its natural state. They protect natural resources, water, and wildlife habitat and prevent future development.
The Land Trust also owns a parcel of land containing a pond and stream which was donated to us to protect, and has a share in the ownership of Mount Watatic.
As science unravels the mystery of connections in our planet’s web of life, we are beginning to understand the importance each piece has in keeping the Earth diverse and healthy. The Land Trust is proud to be a part of the effort to mitigate climate change through land preservation.
I would like to thank Cathy Kristofferson, Roberta Flashman and Ginny Bixler who helped to monitor and protect these properties, as well as our collaborators, North County Land Trust and New England Forestry Foundation for their partnership with two of the properties.
Bob Leary
Duck Race – Doug Leab
The 2023 Ashby Rubber Duck Race continued the glorious tradition of a full sellout and lots of fun! 701 intrepid little ducks made their way downstream, with occasional encouragement by our wonderful sweepers. Crew and spectators enjoyed a pleasant day without rain. Although the water was not raging, Duckmaster Doug took no chances, donning his life vest for safety!
The 2024 race, our 9th, will take place at 1:00 pm on Sunday, May 5th at Damon Pond in DCR’s Willard Brook State Forest. Ducks are still available as of late February so be sure to get yours and then come to the race and join the fun. We are always looking for sweepers to keep all the ducks off the rocks and out of the eddies.
Financial Report – Doug Leab